25 October 2011

Stylish related post widgets Part 1

I've been blogging around the web recently & it caught my attention , that most of the bloggers out there have been using LinkWithin  in their blogs or websites recently .
Well ,there are other related post widgets that you will consider for yourself .
related post widget for bloggers

Outbrain related post widget   
Outbrain too, do have many platforms for bloggers & for website owners to downloads these widget within 1 minute.
Below you can watch their video clips below on how to install them or  go to their link "From Here"

Another widget that I like is nrelate .
In nrealte besides related post contents, you can also create these few widgets : Most Popular contents,in text linking within your post by keywords &  most interesting of all "Cool Fly Out Related Post"  (Hmmm...Flyout post plugins is only for wordpress) .

Anyway ,you need to create an account with them first before download it to your blog.

And the best of all related post widgets is from Dhiti 
Let me tell you why it is the best of all : Check "This Out"  on their unique features.

Get your Dhiti widget by

Are you guys still going to stick around with your current related post? Well ,I let you bloggers to decide .
To be continued.........Part 2

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From: Blogging Angel

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